Illustration cagnotte Color Quest Saga sur

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

Je tenais à remercier chacune et chacun d'entre vous pour votre participation à la cagnotte Color Quest Saga sur Leetchi.

En effet, la fermeture de la cagnotte a été repoussée d'une quinzaine de jours pour permettre au projet d'atteindre son second objectif : le passage de 110 à 152 pages. note : et même 156 pages au final !

C'est donc chose faite et j'ai finalement clôturé le projet hier soir.

Grâce à votre participation, le livre s'étoffe de 8 pages scénario supplémentaires dont un épilogue inédit qui, je l'espère, surprendra les fans de Color Quest les plus assidus (mais également les novices). Nous passons donc d'une fin "fermée" à une fin "ouverte".

Par ailleurs, vos contributions ont également permis de boucler les développements prévus pour le 3ème clan (Dark Khromaz) à travers la réalisation du Massaï et du Pirate Maudit prévus de longue date mais aussi et surtout d'initier le développement d'un second héros pour ce clan : La Phénix et d'une nouvelle classe de personnages spéciaux : les Généraux (Prêtresse Maya, Inquisitrice et Druide).

Prêtresse Maya par Kévin de Castro

Vous pouvez avoir un aperçu de la Prêtresse Maya dans l'illustration ci-dessus. Ces personnages ont également une importance non négligeable dans l'avenir du jeu et notamment la v2 de Color Quest.

Au-delà de la somme de 3.200€ récoltée, vous avez contribué à aller au bout de l'aventure et le livre n'en sera que plus épique.

Je précise également que les échanges sur les nouveautés engendrées par la cagnotte ont été extrêmement riches avec Nicolas Tézé, le coauteur de Color Warz, ces trois derniers mois. Celà faisait des années que nous n'avions pas eu l'occasion d'aller de façon aussi approfondie dans le détail.

Nous avons repris l'ensemble du scénario et des moments clés. Cela est également dû au succès de cette cagnotte.

Pour toutes ces raisons, je tenais à vous remercier, sincèrement. Car, en rejoignant cette initiative de façon désintéressée comme vous l'avez fait, vous nous démontrez que le projet Color Quest et la licence Color Warz ont encore de belles années devant eux.

J'ai, par exemple, eu l'occasion d'échanger avec le directeur de L'Onde - Théatre et Centre d'Art - de Vélizy cette semaine pour un projet d'exposition pour 2023 (au plus tôt). Un projet traitant des NFT est également en réflexion.

Au-delà des jeux, des figurines et des livres, différentes possibilités s'offrent donc pour l'avenir du projet et de FLUO Craft.

Sachez enfin, qu' une seconde cagnotte pour tenter d'atteindre le troisième et dernier objectif du projet : le lancement de la v2 du jeu Color Quest est actuellement en cours sur Leetchi :

Je vous dis donc à très bientôt pour fêter la sortie du livre ! Courant mai normalement, le temps de livrer les contributeurs de la campagne Color Quest Saga en priorité fin avril (ils l'attendent avec impatience depuis juin dernier :) et de préparer un petit quelque chose pour l'occasion !

Merci encore pour votre confiance et votre générosité,



Color Quest Gamma Late Pledge : du dimanche 10 mai au mardi 9 juin 2020
Color Quest Gamma Late Pledge from sunday, may 10th to thuesday, june 9th

Nombre de participants (commandes validées) :
Number of contributors

Total des fonds récoltés :
Total amount collected

Dernière mise à jour le 10 mai 2020
Last update

Bienvenue dans la FAQ Color Quest !

Dernière édition samedi 29 juin 2019 (article en cours de rédaction).

Retrouvez ici les points de correction relevés par les membres de la communauté ou par l'équipe au cours des tests.
Ces mises à jours seront intégrées aux nouvelles versions de règles par la suite.

Color Quest - Livret de Règles

version la plus récente : v1.1

- L'encombrement des Skelettes est de 0,5 pt
- Les Skelettes débutent la partie désinvoqués (tuile)
- Lorsqu'une figurine Skelette est invoquée, on le place sur la tuile et on retire cette dernière du jeu
- Les figurines (même alliées) sont considérées comme des obstacles pour les déplacements et les lignes de mire
- p.17 : il est fait mention du fait de piocher une carte item par quart de point point manquant. C'est une erreur, il faut appliquer 0,5 pt

Color Quest - Livret du Général
version la plus récente : v1.0

- p.11 - Vol : erreur sur le nombre de cases du schéma (1). Il faut lire "X".
- p.11 - Infiltration : La "3ème case" illustrée sur le schéma correspond à la zone de destination. Elle doit être considérée comme une case vert foncé.

- Disciples : Ninja, Clerc, Moine, Valkyrie, Amazone ou Dryade
- (Combattant) Khromaz : Guerrier, Chasseur, Chaman, Kogneuse, Mystique, Ranger, Paladine, Bomber, Djinn
note : les Chefs et les Matriarches sont également des Khromaz mais pas des Combattants
- Castes : Héros, Champions, Monstres, Fantassins, Eclaireurs, Magiciens, Disciples, Invocations et Dark Khromaz

Welcome in Color Quest FAQ !

Last update : saturday, june 29th (worik in progress).

Find here last correction points identified by the community members or by the team during the tests.
These updates will be incorporated into new rules releases later.

Color Quest - rulebook

current edition : v1.1

- Wooden Skeletons overcrowding is : 0,5 pt
- Woodens Skeletons start games as tiles
- When a Wooden Skeleton is invoked, replace the tile by a Wooden Skeleton miniatue
- Miniatures (even allies) are considered as obstacles. You can not move on it or make direct shots through them.

Color Quest - General's handbook
current edition : v1.0

- p.11 - Flying : error on number of squares (1). The correct number is "X".
- p.11 - Stealth : the "3rd square" illustrated on the scheme is the destination point. It must have been in "dark green" and not in "green".

- Followers : Ninja, Cleric, Monk, Valkyrie, Amazon and Dryad
- (combatants) Khromaz : Warrior, Hunter, Shaman, Smasher, Ranger, Mystic, Paladine, Bomber and Djinn
note : Chiefs and Matriarchs are also Khromaz but not "basic" ones (combatants).
- Casts : Heroes, Champions, Monsters, Infantry, Scouts, Wizards, Followers, Invocations and Dark Khromaz

Your Quest begins here!

Color Quest is a skirmish game for two players including miniatures. The story takes place in the Color Warz universe.

The game is recommended for a public of 14-year-old but remains accessible for players accompanied by 12 years old and under (in the presence of an adult because of the resin miniatures present in game).

The original game system is simple and scalable. It will delight novices but also confirmed players. This is a good choice to initiate yourself to miniatures games.

In the Color Quest game box, players will have choice between two camps :

- Gaia's Wardens, the Goddess of Life, led by Oak, the old wise
- Kaos's Legions, the God of nothingness, led by the Ronin, the Fallen follower.

A third clan is available through expansions since Color Quest Gamma campaign. It introduces the Dark Khromaz, a Mercenaries clan compatible with both other clans or playable alone.

Vue générale du jeu et du matériel contenu dans Color Quest

Each camp is led by a hero and will consist of different choices of troops and champions to select from a selection of 40 characters, and more to come.

Beyond the conventional material (cards, tiles, trays, etc.) using paint puddles to manage paint networks and invocations and the color dice to activate special abilities of your characters or transform your hero are strong elements of the game system.

Color Quest Game Content

The Color Quest Game box contains all you need to play with 2 players and 18 high detailed resin miniatures :
1 Oak lvl1, 1 Oak lvl2, 1 Chosen lvl1, 2 Ninjas, 2 Clerics, 2 Monks, 2 small Golems, 1 Paint Golem, 1 Paint Clone, 2 Ronins and t 3 Wooden Skeletons.

Color Quest Miniatures

Color Quest Saga (2021) Miniatures sculpted by Gaël Goumon (Succubus level 1&2) and Valentin Zak (Mega Kadamas, Samourai and Luchador)

Color Quest Gamma (2020) Miniatures sculpted by Valentin Zak (Spartan and Necromancer) and Gaël Goumon (Assassin).

Color Quest Beta Miniatures (funded with Game On Tabletop in 2019) sculpted by Valentin Zak (Valkyrie and Dryad) and Christophe Bauer (Amazon).

Color Quest Alpha Miniatures (funded with Game On Tabletop in 2018) sculpted by Valentin Zak (Doomed Matriarch and Chosen One lvl2) and Stéphane Nguyen (Doomed Chief).

The Domesticated Koloss (Color Quest miniature n°26) sculpted by Christophe Bauer (on a 50mm scenic stand)

The Black Paint Basilisk (Color Quest miniature n°28) sculpted by Stéphane Nguyen (on a 50mm scenic stand)

There are currently 46 miniatrues in Color Quest range.

  • Scale : 28mm
  • Stands : 25, 29 and 50mm
  • Material : hight detailed resin produce in France by GRX Créations

On every crowdfunding campaign, discover 3 to 5 new characters (miniatures) and additionnal game content.

Color Quest range (may 2023)

Color Quest evolution through crowdfunding campaigns

To raise fund to develop and produce Color Quest Game and Miniatures, we make crowdfunding campaigns. We are currently working on the 5th Color Quest campaign : Gamma.

Color Quest on Kickstarter : fist steps

The "seasons" system was developed to propose 5 miniatures + one monster (final stage boss) each campaign during 4 seasons to link Paint Brawl and Dark Threat events.

Color Quest on Game on Tabletop : a new start

After season 2 failure, we took time to develop a new formula. We also decided to change our crowdfunding plaftorm and choose : Game On Tabletop.

Color Quest on Game on Tabletop

On each campaign, we will propose to you 2 new miniatures (playable characters) plus a new one for free close to the funding (stretch goal).
Our deal is simple : 2 miniatures payed, one offered. This is the best we can do and the more efficient for you.

Beyond a new campaign, this is a new formula that we propose here. We currently have enough material to produce 6 similar campaigns (depending on the success of each) to reach the outcome of the plot and the final fight between the Ultimate Bane (incarnation of Kaos on Khroma) to the Bright Chosen One (level 3).

With each edition, you will discover new miniatures, new rules and even a new clan to come!

In each campaign, find all the content of the previous edition as well as new content.

Follow Color Quest news

If you want to follow last Color Quest illustrastions, miniatures pictures, etc. Just follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

You can also subscribe to our newsletter.

Join the Community

Even if Color Quest community if mostly constitued by French membres (around 85%) we also have some American, English, German or Russion members.
You can talk abouk Color Quest on the following forums :

- Board Game Geek
- Dakka Dakka

note : see french translation for french forums links.

Color Quest : from Paint Brawl to Dark Threat

Couverture du jeu Color Warz - Paint Brawl par Giuseppe Severino
In 2012, we presented you Paint Brawl, a tactical game for 2 to 4 players introducing Color Warz universe.

In this board game, Oak was looking for the Chosen One by making Khromaz Chiefs challenging each others.

Couverture du jeu Color Warz - Dark Threat par Kev DC
In 2013, we proposed to you Dark Threat, an asymmetric strategy game for 2 players illustrating final battle between Gaia, the Goddess of Life and Kaos, the god of Nothingness.

In this board game, you have to choose between Oak and the Chosen one or Wooden King and Fungia, the Mushroom Queen, to avoid (or allow) the Bane awaken.

The Color Quest story takes place between Paint Brawl and Dark Threat events.

Oak has just found the Chosen One and have to escort him to the Sanctuary, in the middle of the Cursed Forest, to reveal his true Power. But they will find on their way the Ronin, first of Oak Followers that has fall to Kaos side by becoming General of his armies. You will have to use tactics and patience in order to gather sufficient Kadamas dice to trigger all his power and thus progress to the Sanctuary.

Mid-term development

In addition to Color Quest development, we are working on a new edition of Paint Brawl, a first edition of Dark Threat and other Color Warz games like Girlz Blast (Paint Brawl expansion) or Totem Party (a card game for 2 to 5 players).

These new editions will be in partnership with publishers in the sector.

The adventure begins here!

In 2012, we presented you Paint Brawl, a tactical game for 2 to 4 players introducing Color Warz universe.

In this board game, Oak was looking for the Chosen One by making Khromaz Chiefs challenging each others.

In 2013, we proposed to you Dark Threat, an asymmetric strategy game for 2 players illustrating final battle between Gaia, the Goddess of Life and Kaos, the god of Nothingness.

In this board game, you have to choose between Oak and the Chosen one or Wooden King and Fungia, the Mushroom Queen, to avoid (or allow) the Bane awaken.

Now, time has come to discover a new skirmish game for two players with all Color Warz miniatures ever published and new ones to come.

The Color Quest story takes place between Paint Brawl and Dark Threat events.

Oak has just found the Chosen One and have to escort him to the Sanctuary, in the middle of the Cursed Forest, to reveal his true Power. But they will find on their way the Ronin, first of Oak Followers that has fall to Kaos side by becoming General of his armies. You will have to use tactics and patience in order to gather sufficient Kadamas dice to trigger all his power and thus progress to the Sanctuary.

Free download Color Quest coloring book


To fund Color Quest game and miniatures, we made crowfunding campaign on Kickstarter. One or two per year.

  • 1st Season - Color Quest Saison 1 - The Cursed Forest - made 54 backers for more than 6.000 euros (120% of the goal)
  • 2nd Season (The Black Swamp) is scheduled between november 2017 and february 2018

A total of 4 to 5 seasons (depending of success) are scheduled to link events from Paint Brawl to Dark Threat. This story is a trilogy.

Every season, find all contents (game and miniatures) of the previous season as well as new products.

Currently, the game is under development.

To follow development stages, do not hesitate to consult the log books (one each month):

Color Quest miniatures

There is currently 26 different resin miniatures for Color Quest.

  • Scale : 28mm
  • Material : resin casted in France by GRX Création
    Note : not the same resin used by FLUO Games. This one is much more adapted for gaming.
  • Sculptors
    Christophe Bauer : Wooden Skeleton and Savage/ Domesticated Koloss (mutipart kit)
    Valentin Zak : Warrior #2, Shaman #2, Djinn, Ninja, Monk, Cleric, Oak lvl 2 and Ronin
    Gaël Goumon : Hunter #2, Paladine, Bomber and Chosen One
    Stéphane Nguyen : Matriarch, Smasher, Ranger and Mystic
    Rémy Tremblay : Chief, Paint Golem , small Golem, Warrior #1, Hunter #1, Shaman #1, Paint Clone and Oak lvl1

Each season, you will discover 5 to 10 new figurines.

Mid-term development

In addition to Color Quest development, we are working on a new edition of Paint Brawl, a first edition of Dark Threat and other Color Warz games like Girlz Blast (Paint Brawl expansion) or Totem Party (a card game for 2 to 5 players).

These new editions will be in partnership with publishers in the sector. We are currently in negotiations with some of them.

Paint Brawl

CW Paint Brawl 3D box light

A tactical board game for 2 to 4 players.

Color Quest

Color Quest box
A Miniature Skirmish game for 2 players

Dark Threat

CW Dark Threat 3D box reboot light

An assymetric board game for 2 players.